そんなときに役立つのが、「WordPress REST API」と「Indexing API」です。
import json import requests import time from google.oauth2 import service_account from google.auth.transport.requests import Request # サービスアカウントキーファイルとサイトのURLを設定 service_account_file = '【サービスアカウントキーファイル】.json' site_url = "【あなたのサイトurl】/" wp_api_url = f"{site_url}wp-json/wp/v2/posts" ArticleNumPerPage = 1 # 認証情報を取得 credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_file) # 必要なスコープを指定 scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['']) # アクセストークンを取得 auth_req = Request() scoped_credentials.refresh(auth_req) access_token = scoped_credentials.token # アクセストークンをヘッダーに設定 headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json" } # WordPress REST APIから全記事を取得 urls = [] response = requests.get(wp_api_url, params={"per_page": ArticleNumPerPage}) if response.status_code == 200: PostsHeadResult = response.headers MaxPage = int(PostsHeadResult['X-WP-TotalPages']) ArticleList = [] for i in range(1, MaxPage + 1): PostsGetParameters = { 'page' : i, 'per_page' : ArticleNumPerPage, 'order' : 'desc' } PostsGetResponse = requests.get(wp_api_url, params = PostsGetParameters) if PostsGetResponse.status_code == 200: PostsGetResult = json.loads(PostsGetResponse.text) ArticleList.extend(PostsGetResult) else: print(f"Error occurred on page {i} with status code {PostsGetResponse.status_code}. Message: {PostsGetResponse.text}") try: urls.extend([ArticleItem["link"] for ArticleItem in ArticleList]) except TypeError: print(f"TypeError occurred for the following data: {ArticleItem}") with open('registered_urls.txt', 'a+') as f: registered_urls = count = 0 for url in urls: if url in registered_urls: continue if count >= 2000: print("1日のリクエスト制限に達しました。") break # APIリクエストのURLを作成 api_url = "" # リクエストのボディを作成 body = json.dumps({ "url": url, "type": "URL_UPDATED", }) # APIリクエストを送信 response =, headers=headers, data=body) print(response.json()) f.write(url + '\n') count += 1 # 1分間のリクエスト上限を守るための待機時間 time.sleep(0.1)